We want to help you in any way we can, which is why we created this FAQ page. Take a look at the answers we provided below and give us a call if you need help with your garage door system.
Why does the door only close when I hold the wall button?
This often indicates the safety beams are malfunctioning or blocked. Remove any objects that might be disrupting the signal. You can also check whether your LED lights illuminate as normal. If neither of these appear to be an issue, consult a professional to diagnose the problem.
Why is it dangerous to tamper with the garage door's bottom brackets?
The bottom brackets of your overhead door are connected with the garage door cables, which are connected to the springs. If the brackets are removed or tampered with, there is a possibility that something in the spring/cable system will snap and possibly hurt you. For this reason, we recommend investing in tamper-resistant bottom brackets.
What should I do if my garage door freezes?
During the cold winter months, the combination of moisture and cold can freeze the garage door to the floor. Sometimes, this problem can be fixed simply by hitting the opener button, but if this doesn't do the trick, use a hair dryer or heat gun to melt the ice. When doing this, you should take care not to damage the bottom or side seals.